Call for Papers

Call for position papers

Submission anytime

Electronic Markets invites scholars with expertise in the topic areas of electronic markets and networked business to submit position papers on a salient issue of their choice.

Position papers should offer novel and fresh perspectives, opening new areas of discourse, or addressing unsettled research questions and issues important to electronic markets and networked business. They should be well argued and articulated to address emergent, controversial, even paradoxical issues. Position papers should develop rigorous, evidence-based arguments and apply scholarly reasoning and logic.
Before submitting a proposal for a position paper, authors should check that the following criteria apply:

  • The author is an established researcher who is familiar with the academic discourse of the subject matter for many years.
  • The paper provides a scholarly overview of an emergent or current research topic and gives new insights and access to the academic discussion (e.g. in the form of a history of ideas, synthesis of different research stances or a new classification of the topic area).
  • It should express an opinion or a recommendation, which might be controversional and/or provocative to evoke rejoinders and lively discussion.
  • Position papers are not research-in-progress papers. Please do not simply submit work that you feel is premature as a position paper.
  • Position papers may be shorter in length compared to regular EM research papers but should be between 6500 and 8000 words (excluding references). 

Position papers pass a two-step procedure:

  • In the first step, authors submit an abstract (1 to 2 pages in length) outlining their ideas. They will then receive initial feedback on their proposal and - in case of a positive impresssion - be invited to submit a full version of their position paper.
  • The full version of the paper will be reviewed by at least two Associate Editors of EM and, if necessary, well-established peers with expertise on the paper’s topic. A final acceptance decision will be made by an Editor-in-Chief.

Please send your abstracts to editors(at) Prior to drafting your position paper proposal, the following examples of position papers might be helpful:

Aggarwal, N., Dai, Q., Walden, E.A. (2012). Are open standards good business?, in: Electronic Markets, 22(1), pp. 63-68.

Akter, S., Fosso Wamba, S. (2016). Big data analytics in E-Commerce: a systematic review and agenda for future research, in: Electronic Markets, 26(2), pp. 173-194.

Alt, R., Ehmke, J.F., Haux, R., Henke, T., Mattfeld, D.C., Oberweis, A., Paech, B., Winter, A. (2019). Towards customer-induced service orchestration - requirements for the next step of customer orientation, in: Electronic Markets, 29(1), pp. 79-91.

Alt, R., Klein, S. (2011). Twenty years of electronic markets research—looking backwards towards the future, in Electronic Markets, 21(1), pp. 41–51.

Alt, R., Puschmann, T. (2012). The rise of customer-oriented banking - electronic markets are paving the way for change in the financial industry, in: Electronic Markets, 22(4), pp. 203-215.

Björk, BC. (2017). Scholarly journal publishing in transition- from restricted to open access. Electronic Markets, 27(2), 101–109.

Carr, Nicholas G. (2003): IT Doesn’t Matter, in: Harvard Business Review, 81(5), pp. 41-49.

Clarke, R., Pucihar, A. (2013). Electronic interaction research 1988 – 2012 through the lens of the Bled eConference, in: Electronic Markets, 23(4), pp. 271-283.

Clarke, R. (2020) Researcher perspectives in Electronic Markets, in: Electronic Markets, 30(1), pp. 15-27.

George, J.F., Valacich, J.S., Valor, J. (2005). Does Information Systems Still Matter? Lessons for a Maturing Discipline, in: Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 16(1), pp. 219-232.

Gogoulos, F.I., Antonakopoulou, A., Lioudakis, G.V, Mousas, A. S., Kaklamani, D. I., Venieris, I. S. (2014). On the design of a privacy aware authorization engine for collaborative environments. Electronic Markets 24(2), 101–112.

Gretzel, U., Sigala, M., Xiang, Z., Koo, C. (2015). Smart tourism: foundations and developments. Electron Markets, 25(3), 179–188.

Hevner, A., Malgonde, O. (2019). Effectual application development on digital platforms. Electronic Markets, 29(3), 407–421.

Otto, B., Lee, Y.W., Caballero, I. (2011). Information and data quality in business networking: a key concept for enterprises in its early stages of development, in: Electronic Markets, 21(2), pp. 83-97.

Pathak, B.K. (2016). Emerging online educational models and the transformation of traditional universities. Electronic Markets, 26(4), 315–321.

Sedlmeir, J., Lautenschlager, J., Fridgen, G., Urbach, N. (2022). The transparency challenge of blockchain in organizations, in Electronic Markets, 32(3), pp. 1779–1794.

Spiekermann, S., Acquisti, A., Böhme, R., Hui, K.-L. (2015). The challenges of personal data markets and privacy, in Electronic Markets, 25, 161–167.

Sutton, R.I., Staw, B.M. (1995). What Theory is Not, in: Administrative Science Quarterly, 40(3), pp. 371-384.

Treiblmaier, H. (2022). Do cryptocurrencies really have (no) intrinsic value?, in: Electronic Markets, 32(3), pp. 1749–1758.

Van Veldhoven, Z., Vanthienen, J. (2021) Digital transformation as an interaction-driven perspective between business, society, and technology, in: Electronic Markets, 31(3), pp. 629-644.