Policy on Generative AI
Regarding the use of generative AI tools (e.g., ChatGPT), EM adheres to the general guidelines of its publisher Springer. These tools may be used for certain purposes, but two areas need to be distinguished:
1. Use of generative AI by authors: This implies that authors must declare when generative AI tools have been used in the process of researching data and/or preparing the manuscript. The authors need to describe the purpose (e.g., improving language) as well as the extent to which generative AI has been used and assure that they take full responsibility of the content of the manuscript.
2. Use of generative AI by reviewers and editors: First, reviewers should be aware that neither papers or sections thereof must be uploaded to generative AI tools to produce reviews or parts thereof. Second, when checking manuscripts, reviewers are encouraged to look more closely on how the different parts of the manuscript are related to each other (“the sound and convincing story”), i.e. how motivation, literature analysis, research gap, own contribution and findings fit to each other.
In case any questions arise, please contact the Editorial Office (editors(at)electronicmarkets.org).