Volume 9, Issue 1-2

Special issue on "Electronic commerce in the americas and local versus global electronic commerce" and general research

Troy J. Strader, Brigette Buchet, Kent A. Walstrom and Beat F. Schmid

Special Section: 1998 AIS Mini-Track on Electronic Commerce
Troy J. Strader and Kent A. Walstrom

Research Paper - Special Issue
Consumer Opportunity, Ability and Motivation as a Framework for Electronic Market Research
Troy J. Strader and Anthony R. Hendrickson

Research Paper - Special Issue
Assessing the Adoption of Web-based E-Commerce for Businesses: A Research Proposal and Preliminary Findings
Cynthia K. Riemenschneider and Vicki R. McKinney

Research Paper - Special Issue
Network Externalities and the Provision of Composite IT Goods Supporting the E-Commerce Infrastructure
John M. Gallaugher and Yu-Ming Wang

Research Paper - Special Issue
Measuring Consumers' Attitudes to Web Advertising
Nichaya Sukpanich and Lei-da Chen

Research Paper - Special Issue
Assessing the Impact of Electronic Commerce on Business Performance: A Simulation Experiment

George M. Giaglis, Ray J. Paul and Georgios I. Doukidis

Research Paper - Special Issue
Electronic Brokerages for Online Investing

Prabhudev Konana, Nirup M. Menon and Dave Abramowitz

Research Paper - Special Issue
Real Estate War in Cyberspace: An Emerging Electronic Market?

Kevin Crowston and Rolf T. Wigand

Special Section: Local vs. Global Issues in Electronic Commerce

Charles Steinfield and Stefan Klein

Research Paper - Special Issue
Electronic Commerce and the Local Merchant: Opportunities for Synergy Between Physical and Web Presence
Charles Steinfield and Alwin Mahler

Research Paper - Special Issue
E-Commerce: Cyber- and Physical Environments
Harry Bouwman

Research Paper - Special Issue
Applicability of Success Factors in US Electronic Commmerce to the German Market
Brigitte Preissl, Christian Rickert and Hansjörg Haas

Research Paper - Special Issue
Electronic Commerce in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China
Jan Damsgaard and Ali Farhoomand

Research Paper - Special Issue
Rural Development: Communications and Computing Technologies Create a Rapidly Changing Environment
Julie Fesenmaier and John C. VanEs

Special Section: Electronic Commerce in the Americas

Beat F. Schmid, Dorian Selz and Brigette Buchet

Research Paper - Special Issue
Developing an Effective E-tailing Strategy

Bharat Rao

Research Paper - Special Issue
Strategic Implications of an Emerging Cashless Society in the US

Salil Mehta

Research Paper - Special Issue
Electronic Commerce as an Enabler of Efficient Health-care Decision-making
Guisseppi A. Forgionne, Aryya Gangopadhyay, Jo Ann Klein and Robert Eckhardt

Research Paper - Special Issue
Strategies for Internet Middlemen in the Intermediation/Disintermediation/Reintermediation Cycle 
Alina M. Chircu and Robert J. Kauffman

Research Paper - Special Issue
Distribution Channels in Electronic Markets: A Functional Analysis of the 'Disintermediation' Hypothesis
Shailendra C. Palvia and Vijay K. Vemuri

Research Paper - Special Issue
Business Implications of Web Technology: An Insight into Usage of the World Wide Web by U.S. Companies

Debabroto (Dave) Chatterjee and V. Sambammurthy

Research Paper - Special Issue
Electronic Commerce: Aspects of the Brazilian Experience
Maria I. Lima and Ivan Alcoforadohttp://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/101967899359373#.UZMgTbVqmVU

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