Volume 13, Issue 4
Special issue on "36th Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences (HICSS)" and general research
Lucia Pavlikova, Beat F. Schmid, Pieter M. Ribbers and Christopher P. Holland
Research Paper - Special Issue
Developing Sustainable B2B E-Commerce Scenarios in the Chinese Context: A Research Proposal
Kai Reimers
Research Paper - Special Issue
Spillover Effects of Production of IT on Use of IT
Dale Ganley, Kenneth L. Kraemer and Poh-Kam Wong
Research Paper - General Research
Who Wins on eBay: An Analysis of Bidders and Their Bid Behaviours
Stephen C. Hayne, C. A. P. Smith and Leo R. Vijayasarathy
Research Paper - General Research
The Impact of Brand Personality and Customer Satisfaction on Customer's Loyalty: Theoretical Approach and Findings of a Causal Analytical Study in the Sector of Internet Service Providers
Stephanie Magin, René Algesheimer, Frank Huber and Andreas Herrmann
Research Paper - General Research
Information Technology Penetration and E-commerce Developments in Greece, With a Focus on Small to Medium-sized Enterprises
Dimitrios Buhalis and Ourania Deimezihttp://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/1019678032000147623#.UY-fR7VqmVU
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