Volume 33

As previously announced, with the publication of Electronic Markets' issue 32/4, the journal has successfully moved from its long-time quarterly appearance to the Continuous Article Publishing (CAP) model.

The shift is visible with volume 33 on Electronic Markets' Springer Link presence. The Online First option appearance has been discontinued since all papers are automatically assigned to the volume. This means that the article's metadata are immediately available in their final form (the so-called Article Citation ID together with the DOI link).

Here can you find all articles published in Volume 33:

Generative artificial intelligence

Leonardo Banh & Gero Strobel

Research Paper
Creating value beyond commercial outcomes: The ESG practices of online marketplaces for sustainable development

Liang Li, Mingxu Wang & Xiaohao Zhou

Research Paper
Who earns trust in online environments? A meta-analysis of trust in technology and trust in provider for technology acceptance

Leonie Kuen, Daniel Westmattelmann & Gerhard Schewe

Research Paper
How to increase consumers' continued use intention of artificial intelligence voice assistants? The role of anthropomorphic features

Peiyu Zhou, Yuguang Xie & Changyong Liang

Assistant platforms

Rainer Schmidt, Rainer Alt & Alfred Zimmermann

Research Paper
Antecedents and outcomes of virtual presence in online shopping: A perspective of SOR (Stimulus-Organism-Response) paradigm
Mei-Ju Chen

Research Paper
Seeking empathy or suggesting a solution? Effects of chatbot messages on service failure recovery

Martin Haupt, Anna Rozumowski, Jan Freidank & Alexander Haas

Research Paper
Information provision measures for voice agent product recommendations— The effect of process explanations and process visualizations on fairness perceptions

Helena Weith & Christian Matt

Research Paper
Babbling through social media: A cross-country study mapping out social networks using eWOM intentions
Zulal Isler, Meltem Kiygi-Calli & Maryam El Oraiby

Research Paper
Challenges of IT freelancers on digital labor platforms: A topic model approach

Lisa Gussek, Alex Grabbe & Manuel Wiesche

Research Paper
Exploring the academic development trace and theme evolution in Cross-Border Electronic Commerce
Xiaorong He, Tong Ye & Dejian Yu

Research Paper
Sanitizing data for analysis: Designing systems for data understanding

Joshua Holstein, Max Schemmer, Johannes Jakubik, Michael Vössing & Gerhard Satzger

Research Paper
Unleashing the digital building bricks

Michel Muschkiet, Tobias Wulfert, Robert Woroch, Gero Strobel & Leonardo Banh

Research Paper
Optimal quality regulation on the online health platform
Jianyue Liu & Zhiqiang Ma

Research Paper
Discovering the evolution of online reviews: A bibliometric review

Yucheng Zhang, Zhiling Wang, Lin Xiao, Lijun Wang & Pei Huang

Research Paper
Digital entrepreneurship from cellular data: How omics afford the emergence of a new wave of digital ventures in health

Hannes Rothe, Katharina Barbara Lauer, Callum Talbot-Cooper & Daniel Juan Sivizaca Conde

Research Paper
“Sorry, too much information”—Designing online review systems that support information search and processing

Janina Seutter, Kristin Kutzner, Maren Stadtländer, Dennis Kundisch & Ralf Knackstedt

Research Paper
The effects of targeted political advertising on user privacy concerns and digital product acceptance: A preference-based approach

Katharina Baum, Olga Abramova, Stefan Meißner & Hanna Krasnova

Research Paper
Value creation and capture in decentralized finance markets: Non-fungible tokens as a class of digital assets

Jan Schwiderowski, Asger Balle Pedersen, Jonas Kasper Jensen & Roman Beck

Research Paper
A typology of agricultural market information systems and its dimensions: Case studies of digital platforms
Neeraj Singh & Kushankur Dey

Research Paper
Superstar effects in a platform-based local market: The role of customer usage of online-to-offline platforms and spatial agglomeration
Jing Chen, Xing Wan & Jing Yang

Research Paper
The role of contextual and contentual signals for online trust: Evidence from a crowd work experiment

Rense Corten, Judith Kas, Timm Teubner & Martijn Arets

Research Paper
Understanding how platform modularity enhances network effects
Qizhi Dai

Reseach Paper
Enhancing conversational agents for successful operation: A multi-perspective evaluation approach for continuous improvement

Tom Lewandowski, Emir Kucevic, Stephan Leible, Mathis Poser & Tilo Böhmann

Research Paper
Understanding decentralized autonomous organizations from the inside

Nils Augustin, Andreas Eckhardt & Alexander Willem de Jong

Research Paper

Detecting anomalous cryptocurrency transactions: An AML/CFT application of machine learning-based forensics
Nadia Pocher, Mirko Zichichi, Fabio Merizzi, Muhammad Zohaib Shafiq & Stefano Ferretti

Machine economies

Eduard Hartwich, Alexander Rieger, Johannes Sedlmeir, Dominik Jurek & Gilbert Fridgen

Research Paper
Trust transfer effects and associated risks in telemedicine adoption

Leonie Kuen, Fiona Schürmann, Daniel Westmattelmann, Sophie Hartwig, Shay Tzafrir & Gerhard Schewe

Case Report
How two leading partners learn to tango: The case of IoT-based business model co-innovation between a retailer and an electronics supplier

Michael Sturm, Jörg Weking, Markus Böhm, Maximilian Schreieck & Helmut Krcmar

Research Paper
Promise not fulfilled: FinTech, data privacy, and the GDPR

Gregor Dorfleitner, Lars Hornuf & Julia Kreppmeier

Research Paper
On the performance of blockchain-based token offerings

Marten Risius, Christoph F. Breidbach, Mathieu Chanson, Ruben von Krannichfeldt & Felix Wortmann

Research Paper
The effect of lockup and persuasion on online investment decisions: An experimental study in ICOs

Moritz T. Bruckner, Dennis M. Steininger, Jason Bennett Thatcher & Daniel J. Veit

Research Paper
Configurations of digital platforms for manufacturing: An analysis of seven cases according to platform functions and types
Erik den Hartigh, Claire C.M. Stolwijk, J. Roland Ortt & L. Matthijs Punter

Research Paper
Telepresence in live-stream shopping: An experimental study comparing Instagram and the metaverse

Sergio Barta, Raquel Gurrea & Carlos Flavián

Research Paper
Exploring design elements of personal data markets

Simon Scheider, Florian Lauf, Simon Geller, Frederik Möller & Boris Otto

Research Paper
Boundary resource management in innovation ecosystems: The case of e-commerce

Tobias Wulfert

Research Paper
Explainable artificial intelligence in information systems: A review of the status quo and future research directions

Julia Brasse, Hanna Rebecca Broder, Maximilian Förster, Mathias Klier & Irina Sigler

Research Paper
Shaping crowdlending investors’ trust: Technological, social, and economic exchange perspectives
Arif Perdana, Pearpilai Jutasompakorn & Sunghun Chung

Research Paper
AI-based chatbots in conversational commerce and their effects on product and price perceptions
Justina Sidlauskiene, Yannick Joye & Vilte Auruskeviciene

Research Paper
Social informedness and investor sentiment in the GameStop short squeeze
Kwansoo Kim, Sang-Yong Tom Lee & Robert J. Kauffman

Research Paper
A taxonomy of data governance decision domains in data marketplaces

Rene Abraham, Johannes Schneider & Jan vom Brocke

Research Paper
What determines FinTech success?-A taxonomy-based analysis of FinTech success factors

Oliver Werth, Davinia Rodríguez Cardona, Albert Torno, Michael H. Breitner & Jan Muntermann

Research Paper
Flawless victory! Investigating search and experience qualities as antecedent predictors of video game success

Sven Heidenreich, Franziska Handrich & Tobias Kraemer

Research Paper
Compatibility promotion for standard development within shared platforms: A rising tide does not lift all boats

Rikard Lindgren, Fatemeh Saadatmand & Ulrike Schultze

Research Paper
Modeling key enablers influencing FinTechs offering SME credit services: A multi-stakeholder perspective
Nisha Mary Thomas

Research Paper
Explanation matters: An experimental study on explainable AI

Pascal Hamm, Michael Klesel, Patricia Coberger & H. Felix Wittmann

Research Paper
Non-ownership business models in the manufacturing industry: Uncertainty-exploiting versus uncertainty-mitigating designs and the role of context factors

Maximilian Bock, Martin Wiener & Carol Saunders

Research Paper
Blockchain technology in e-business value chains

Josepha Witt & Mareike Schoop

Research Paper
Chatbot commerce—How contextual factors affect Chatbot effectiveness
Pei-Fang Hsu, Tuan (Kellan) Nguyen, Chen-Ya Wang & Pei-Ju Huang

Research Paper
Applying the extended attitude formation theory to central bank digital currencies

Frédéric Tronnier, David Harborth & Patrick Biker

Metaverse platform ecosystems

Sofia Marlena Schöbel & Jan Marco Leimeister

Research Paper
A multivocal literature review of decentralized finance: Current knowledge and future research avenues

Vincent Gramlich, Tobias Guggenberger, Marc Principato, Benjamin Schellinger & Nils Urbach

Research Paper
City 5.0: Citizen involvement in the design of future cities

Jörg Becker, Friedrich Chasin, Michael Rosemann, Daniel Beverungen, Jennifer Priefer, Jan vom Brocke, Martin Matzner, Adela del Rio Ortega, Manuel Resinas, Flavia Santoro, Minseok Song, Kangah Park & Claudio Di Ciccio

Research Paper
How to design platform ecosystems by intrapreneurs: Implications from action design research on IoT-based platform

Yuki Inoue, Takeshi Takenaka, Takami Kasasaku, Tadafumi Tamegai & Ryohei Arai

Research Paper
Offline to online: The impacts of offline visit experience on online behaviors and service in an Internet hospital
Qing Ye & Hong Wu

Research Paper
Classification tools for business models: Status quo, comparison, and agenda

Thorsten Schoormann, Julia Schweihoff, Ilka Jussen & Frederik Möller

Research Paper
Digital platform ecosystems in flux: From proprietary digital platforms to wide-spanning ecosystems

Jan Frederic Nerbel & Markus Kreutzer

Research Paper
Blockchain-based digital rights management systems: Design principles for the music industry

Raffaele Fabio Ciriello, Alexandra Cecilie Gjøl Torbensen, Magnus Rotvit Perlt Hansen & Christoph Müller-Bloch

Correction to: Understanding the process of meanings, materials, and competencies in adoption of mobile banking
Muhammad Naeem, Wilson Ozuem, Kerry Howell & Silvia Ranfagni

Research Paper
Designing a cross-organizational identity management system: Utilizing SSI for the certification of retailer attributes

Tobias Guggenberger, Daniela Kühne, Vincent Schlatt & Nils Urbach

Research Paper
Fintech: A content analysis of the finance and information systems literature
Zack Jourdan, J. Ken. Corley, Randall Valentine & Arthur M. Tran

Research Paper
How smart technology empowers consumers in smart retail stores? The perspective of technology readiness and situational factors
Jiahe Chen & Yu-Wei Chang