Volume 29, Issue 4
Special issue on "Research advances in multi-sided platforms"
Multi-sided platforms
Nizar Abdelkafi, Christina Raasch, Angela Roth and R. Sirinivasan
Research Paper - Special Issue
Designing a multi-sided data platform: Findings from the international data spaces case
Boris Otto and Matthias Jarke
Research Paper - Special Issue
A process perspective on platform design and management: Evidence from a digital platform in health care
Daniel Fürstenau, Carolin Auschra, Stefan Klein and Martin Gersch
Research Paper - Special Issue
Platform-based collaboration in digital ecosystems
Fabian Aulkemeier, Maria-Eugenia Iacob and Jos van Hillegersberg
Research Paper - Special Issue
Surrounded by middlemen - how multi-sided platforms change the value network in the insurance industry
Key Pousttchi and Alexander Gleiss
Research Paper - Special Issue
The emergence of native multi-sided platforms and their influence on incumbents
Andreas Hein, Maximilian Schreieck, Manuel Wiesche, Markus Böhm and Helmut Krcmar
Research Paper - Special Issue
Uncertainty kills the long tail: Demand concentration in peer-to-peer marketplaces
Karl Täuscher
Research Paper - Special Issue
The recipe of successful crowdfunding campaigns: An analysis of crowdfunding success factors and their interrelations
Jascha-Alexander Koch and Michael Siering
Research Paper - Special Issue
When a loss become a gain: Different effects of substitute versus complementary loss leaders in a multi-sided platform
Kyungmin Choi, Sunghan Ryu and Deagon Cho
Research Paper - Special Issue
Multi-sided platform diffusion in competitive B2B networks: Inhibiting factors and their impact on network effects
Sören Wallbach, Katrin Coleman, Ralf Elbert and Alexander Benlian
Research Paper - Special Issue
Design principles for establishing a multi-sided open innovation platform: Lessons learned from an action research study in the medicial technology industry
Christofer Florian Daiberl, Sascha Julian Oks, Angela Roth, Kathrin M. Möslein and Steven Alter
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All abstracts and papers are available on SpringeLink.