Volume 26, Issue 1
Special issue on "ICT-based networked governance" and general research
Electronic Markets on self-archiving
Rainer Alt, Carsta Militzer-Horstmann and Hans-Dieter Zimmermann
Evolving ICT and governance in organizational networks - conceptual and theoretical foundations
Euripidis Loukis, Marijn Janssen, Sharon Dawes and Lei Zheng
Research Paper - Special Issue
The governance strategies for public emergencies on social media and their effects: A case study based on the microblog data
Qingguo Meng, Nan Zhang, Xuejiao Zhao, Fangling Li and Xin Guan
Research Paper - Special Issue
The geographic concentration of China’s e-business enterprises: Where they gather and why
Yu Sun, Xingxuan Kuang and Dazhi Sun
Research Paper - Special Issue
How and why network governance evolves: Evidence from a public safety network
Dax D. Jacobson
Research Paper - General Research
The relationship between culture and information privacy policy
Sophie Cockroft and Saphira Rekker
Research Paper - General Research
Can privacy concerns for insurance of connected cars be compensated?
Sebastian Derikx, Mark de Reuver and Maarten Kroesen
Research Paper - General Research
Product fit uncertainty and its effects on vendor choice: An experimental study
Christian Matt and Thomas Hess
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