Volume 24, Issue 2

Special issue on "Security and privacy in business networking" and general research

Electronic Markets and journal sections

Rainer Alt and Hubert Österle

Security and privacy in business Networking

Sven Wohlgemuth, Stefan Sackmann, Noboru Sonehara and A Min Tjoa

Research Paper - Special Issue
Secure provision of patient-centered health information technology services in public networks—leveraging security and privacy features provided by the German nationwide health information technology infrastructure
Tobias Dehling and Ali Sunyaev

Research Paper - Special Issue
On the design of a privacy aware authorization engine for collaborative environments
Fotios I. Gogoulos, Anna Antonakopoulou and Georgios V. Lioudakis

Research Paper - Special Issue
An algorithm for collusion-resistant anonymization and fingerprinting of sensitive microdata

Peter Kieseberg, Sebastian Schrittwieser and Martin Mulazzani

Research Paper - Special Issue
Take care of your belongings today – securing accessibility to complex electronic business processes
Klaus Rechert, Dirk von Suchodoletz and Isgandar Valizada

Research Paper - General Research
Is the influence of privacy and security on online trust the same for all type of consumers?
Isabel P. Riquelme and Sergio Román

Research Paper - General Research
Detecting incorrect product names in online sources for product master data
Stephan Karpischek, Florian Michahelles and Elgar Fleisch

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All abstracts and papers are available on SpringerLink.