Volume 19, Issue 4

Special issue on "eCollaboration" and general research

Editorial 19/4

Hubert Österle and Karen Heyden

eCollaboration: On the nature and emergence of communication and collaboration Technologies

Kai Riemer, Charles Steinfield and Doug Vogel

Research Paper - Special Issue
Self-organization of interorganizational process design
Peter Rittgen

Research Paper  - Special Issue
The impact of network and recency effects on the adoption of e-collaboration technologies in online communities
Gang Peng and Peter Woodlock

Research Paper - Special Issue
The impact of organizational culture on the use of ICT for knowledge management
Carolina Lopez-Nicolas and Ángel L. Meroño-Cerdán

Invited Paper - Special Issue
The evolution of costly traits through selection and the importance of oral speech in e-collaboration
Ned Kock

Invited Paper - Special Issue
Cooperative virtual worlds—a viable eCollaboration pathway or merely a gaming trend?

Niels Pinkwart and Hannes Olivier

Research Paper - General Research
Financial risk and its impact on new purchasing behavior in the online retail setting
Byron W. Keating, Ali M. Quazi and Anton Kriz

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